Monday 25 January 2010

Amulet #19 - Don't give up just yet....

Sweatband #2 and request #4 - This is a special amulet for my friend Tim who needs something to remind him not to give up just yet when he is out running! Hopefully, you can just about see that it says KEEP GOING. This is part of the giant catchup after the weekend (the extreme duration did get to me in the end...). More on its way.

Mary (my amulet assistant on Friday) has also set me the challenge of making an amulet that can remind her of reasons that she should keep telling her children that it is better to be good that bad. As she put it - I'm paraphrasing here - "It is often difficult to believe what you are saying to them when you can see 'badness' being rewarded almost everywhere in the world around you". This is a really tricky one... any help would be appreciated!!

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